New Site
I’m no longer publishing new posts on this site. Going forward, you can find the same type of delicious, healthy and easy recipes at Please visit me there and…
Turning 40
Today is my 40th birthday, as enneagram 2, I’m often more comfortable highlighting others rather than myself so it feels appropriate to celebrate the occasion with acknowledging the role other…
My Word for the Year 2019: CONNECT
My word for 2019 is CONNECT. I heard a phrase this year that caught my attention, it was simple; “only connect”. In other words, don’t compete, impress, strive, perform…, always…
My Word for the Year 2018: PLAY
My word for 2018 was PLAY. Throughout this year I learned to be more lighthearted and spontaneous, to show up more present and to laugh, have fun and enjoy life…
My Word for 2018: PLAY
As I listened to a podcast the person being interviewed was talking about what she refers to as wholehearted people- those who live the most fully present and experience the…
2017 in a Nutshell
2017 in a nutshell for our family; Our nonprofit, Bastion Ministries, built a dream wall (follow neworleansdreamwall on instagram to see updates). My hubby had 2 art exhibitions at local art…
Meet Shannon

Hi - I'm Shannon! I'm a stay-at-home wife, mom to 3 boys and lover of all things culinary. I enjoy nothing more than a good meal paired with conversation with good people. With 3 kids and a busy home I like to prep dinner first thing in the morning (#dinnerdoneby9am) so that regardless of what happens during the day we have a delicious and nutritious meal ready to enjoy together. I want to provide you with simple techniques and nutritious recipes that will remove your dinnertime stress and free you up to enjoy healthy, delicious home-cooked meals with the people around you.
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