This is a knock off of a dish served at a local restaurant called Domenica. Even my non-cauliflower eating hubby ate this one.
To make this #dinnerdoneby9am I boil the cauliflower and whip the feta in the morning, refrigerate all day, then bake just prior to serving.
-2.5 cups white wine
-1/3 cup olive oil
-1/4 cup salt
-4 Tbsp lemon juice
-2 Tbsp butter
-1 Tbsp sugar
-1 tsp red pepper flakes
-1 bay leaf
-1 head cauliflower, outer leaves removed
Whipped Feta
-1/2 cup feta cheese
-2 Tbsp olive oil
-1 Tbsp lemon juice
-1/4 tsp salt
In a medium large pot combine wine through bay leaf with 8 cups of water and bring to a boil. Add cauliflower, reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes, turning every 5 minutes to ensure even cooking. Remove cauliflower from liquid using a slotted spoon and drain on a kitchen towel. Roast cauliflower at 475 for 30 minutes, or until it is browned all over.
While cauliflower is cooking combine feta, olive oil, lemon juice and salt in a food processor. Process until smooth. Refrigerate until cauliflower is done.
Once cauliflower is done, remove from oven and serve with feta on the side for spreading.
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Meet Shannon

Hi - I'm Shannon! I'm a stay-at-home wife, mom to 3 boys and lover of all things culinary. I enjoy nothing more than a good meal paired with conversation with good people. With 3 kids and a busy home I like to prep dinner first thing in the morning (#dinnerdoneby9am) so that regardless of what happens during the day we have a delicious and nutritious meal ready to enjoy together. I want to provide you with simple techniques and nutritious recipes that will remove your dinnertime stress and free you up to enjoy healthy, delicious home-cooked meals with the people around you.
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