It took me years to perfect polenta. Time and time I ended up with lumpy polenta. The way I cook it now ensures that it is not lumpy, and the soaking even cuts the cooking time in half. I usually do 2 Tbsp butter, some rosemary and 1/2 c or either parmesan or goat cheese in our polenta.

-1 c cornmeal
-4 c water
-1 tsp salt
-1/2 tsp pepper
-(optional) your choice of flavoring such as herbs, butter, cheese, or a splash of cream

Soak polenta in water for at least 1, but up to 6 hours. Bring polenta and water to a simmer, whisking constantly for the first few minutes. Continue to cook at a light simmer, stirring intermittently, until mixture has thickened (about 15 minutes). Remove from heat and stir in flavoring of your choice. Serve immediately.